Sample rules
O365 Email Hard Delete Excessive Volume
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1070.008
- T1485
The following analytic identifies when an O365 email account hard deletes an excessive number of emails within a short period (within 1 hour). This behavior may indicate a compromised account where the threat actor is attempting to permanently purge a large amount of items from the mailbox. Threat actors may attempt to remove evidence of their activity by purging items from the compromised mailbox. — Some account owner legitimate behaviors can trigger this alert, however these actions may not be aligned with organizational expectations / best practice behaviors.
Detection logic
`o365_management_activity` Workload=Exchange (Operation IN ("HardDelete") AND Folder.Path IN ("\\Sent Items","\\Recoverable Items\\Deletions"))
| eval user = lower(UserId), sender = lower(CASE(isnotnull(SendAsUserSmtp),SendAsUserSmtp,isnotnull(SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp),SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp,true(),MailboxOwnerUPN)), subject = trim(CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),'Item.Subject',Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),'AffectedItems{}.Subject')), -time = _time,file_name = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),split('Item.Attachments',"; "),Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),split('AffectedItems{}.Attachments',"; ")), file_size = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),round(tonumber('Item.SizeInBytes')/1024/1024,2),true(),round(tonumber(replace(file_name, "(.+)\s\((\d+)(b\)$)", "\2"))/1024/1024,2))
| bin _time span=1hr
| stats values(sender) as sender, values(ClientIPAddress) as src, values(ClientInfoString) as http_user_agent, values(Operation) as signature, latest(file_name) as file_name, sum(file_size) as file_size, values(Folder.Path) as file_path, min(-time) as firstTime, max(-time) as lastTime, dc(subject) as count by _time,user
| where count > 50 OR file_size > 10
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| `o365_email_hard_delete_excessive_volume_filter`
O365 Email Send and Hard Delete Exfiltration Behavior
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1114.001
- T1070.008
- T1485
The following analytic identifies when an O365 email account sends and then hard deletes an email to an external recipient within a short period (within 1 hour). This behavior may indicate a compromised account where the threat actor is attempting to remove forensic artifacts or evidence of exfiltration activity. This behavior is often seen when threat actors want to reduce the probability of detection by the compromised account owner.
Detection logic
`o365_messagetrace` Status=Delivered
| eval mailtime = _time
| bin _time span=1hr
| eval user = lower(SenderAddress), recipient = lower(RecipientAddress)
| eval InternetMessageId = lower(MessageId)
| join InternetMessageId, user, max=0
| search `o365_management_activity` Workload=Exchange (Operation IN ("Send*")) OR (Operation IN ("HardDelete") AND Folder.Path IN ("\\Sent Items","\\Recoverable Items\\Deletions"))
| eval user = lower(UserId), sender = lower(CASE(isnotnull(SendAsUserSmtp),SendAsUserSmtp,isnotnull(SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp),SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp,true(),MailboxOwnerUPN)), subject = trim(CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),'Item.Subject',Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),'AffectedItems{}.Subject')), -time = _time,file_name = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),split('Item.Attachments',"; "),Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),split('AffectedItems{}.Attachments',"; ")), file_size = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),round(tonumber('Item.SizeInBytes')/1024/1024,2),true(),round(tonumber(replace(file_name, "(.+)\s\((\d+)(b\)$)", "\2"))/1024/1024,2)), InternetMessageId = lower('Item.InternetMessageId')
| eval sendtime = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),_time)
| eval deltime = CASE(Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),_time)
| bin _time span=1hr
| stats values(sender) as sender, values(ClientInfoString) as http_user_agent, values(InternetMessageId) as InternetMessageId, values(file_name) as file_name, sum(file_size) as file_size, values(sendtime) as firstTime, values(deltime) as lastTime values(Operation) as signature, dc(Operation) as opcount, count by _time,subject,user
| where opcount > 1 AND firstTime < lastTime
| stats values(sender) as sender, values(http_user_agent) as http_user_agent, values(signature) as signature, values(file_name) as file_name, sum(file_size) as file_size, min(firstTime) as firstTime, max(lastTime) as lastTime count by subject,user,recipient,Organization
| eval externalRecipient = if(match(lower(recipient),mvindex(split(lower(Organization),"."),0)),0,1)
| where externalRecipient = 1
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| `o365_email_send_and_hard_delete_exfiltration_behavior_filter`
O365 Email Send and Hard Delete Suspicious Behavior
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1114.001
- T1070.008
- T1485
The following analytic identifies when an O365 email account sends and then hard deletes email with within a short period (within 1 hour). This behavior may indicate a compromised account where the threat actor is attempting to remove forensic artifacts or evidence of activity. Threat actors often use this technique to prevent defenders and victims from knowing the account has been compromised. — Some account owner legitimate behaviors can trigger this alert, however these actions may not be aligned with organizational expectations / best practice behaviors.
Detection logic
`o365_management_activity` Workload=Exchange (Operation IN ("Send*")) OR (Operation IN ("HardDelete") AND Folder.Path IN ("\\Sent Items","\\Recoverable Items\\Deletions"))
| eval user = lower(UserId), sender = lower(CASE(isnotnull(SendAsUserSmtp),SendAsUserSmtp,isnotnull(SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp),SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp,true(),MailboxOwnerUPN)), subject = trim(CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),'Item.Subject',Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),'AffectedItems{}.Subject')), -time = _time,file_name = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),split('Item.Attachments',"; "),Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),split('AffectedItems{}.Attachments',"; ")), file_size = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),round(tonumber('Item.SizeInBytes')/1024/1024,2),true(),round(tonumber(replace(file_name, "(.+)\s\((\d+)(b\)$)", "\2"))/1024/1024,2))
| eval sendtime = CASE(Operation IN ("Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf"),_time)
| eval deltime = CASE(Operation IN ("SoftDelete","HardDelete"),_time)
| stats values(sender) as sender, values(ClientIPAddress) as src, values(ClientInfoString) as http_user_agent, values(Operation) as signature, values(file_name) as file_name, sum(file_size) as file_size, values(Folder.Path) as file_path, min(sendtime) as firstTime, max(deltime) as lastTime, dc(Operation) as opcount, count by subject,user
| eval timediff = tonumber(lastTime) - tonumber(firstTime)
| where opcount > 1 AND firstTime < lastTime AND timediff < 3600
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| `o365_email_send_and_hard_delete_suspicious_behavior_filter`