LoFP LoFP / users searching excessively or possible false positives related to matching conditions.


Sample rules

O365 SharePoint Suspicious Search Behavior


The following analytic identifies when Office 365 users search for suspicious keywords or have an excessive number of queries to a SharePoint site within a limited timeframe. This behavior may indicate that a malicious actor has gained control of a user account and is conducting discovery or enumeration activities.

Detection logic

`o365_management_activity` (Workload=SharePoint Operation="SearchQueryPerformed" SearchQueryText=* EventData=*search*) OR Operation=SearchQueryInitiatedSharepoint 

| eval command = case(Operation=="SearchQueryPerformed",SearchQueryText,true(),QueryText), UserId = lower(UserId), signature_id = CorrelationId, signature=Operation, src = ClientIP, user = lower(UserId), object_name=case(Operation=="SearchQueryPerformed",'EventData',true(),QuerySource), -time = _time, suspect_terms = case(match(command, `o365_suspect_search_terms_regex`),command,true(),null()) 

| where command != "*" AND command != "(*)" 

| bin _time span=1hr 

| `o365_sharepoint_suspicious_search_behavior_filter`

| stats values(ScenarioName) as app, values(object_name) as object_name values(command) as command, values(suspect_terms) as suspect_terms, values(src) as src, dc(suspect_terms) as suspect_terms_count, dc(command) as count, min(-time) as firstTime, max(-time) as lastTime by user,signature,_time 

| where count > 20 OR suspect_terms_count >= 2 

| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 

| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 

O365 Email Suspicious Search Behavior


The following analytic identifies when Office 365 users search for suspicious keywords or have an excessive number of queries to a mailbox within a limited timeframe. This behavior may indicate that a malicious actor has gained control of a mailbox and is conducting discovery or enumeration activities.

Detection logic

`o365_management_activity` Operation=SearchQueryInitiatedExchange

| eval command = case(Operation=="SearchQueryPerformed",SearchQueryText,true(),QueryText), UserId = lower(UserId), signature_id = CorrelationId, signature=Operation, src = ClientIP, user = lower(UserId), object_name=case(Operation=="SearchQueryPerformed",'EventData',true(),QuerySource), -time = _time, suspect_terms = case(match(command, `o365_suspect_search_terms_regex`),command,true(),null())

| where command != "*" AND command != "(*)" 

| bin _time span=1hr

| `o365_email_suspicious_search_behavior_filter`

| stats values(ScenarioName) as app, values(object_name) as object_name values(command) as command, values(suspect_terms) as suspect_terms, values(src) as src, dc(suspect_terms) as suspect_terms_count, dc(command) as count, min(-time) as firstTime, max(-time) as lastTime by user,signature,_time

| where count > 20 OR suspect_terms_count >= 2

| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 

| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`