LoFP LoFP / unauthorized requests from service accounts are highly abnormal and more indicative of human behavior or a serious problem within the cluster. this behavior should be investigated further.


Sample rules

Kubernetes Denied Service Account Request


This rule detects when a service account makes an unauthorized request for resources from the API server. Service accounts follow a very predictable pattern of behavior. A service account should never send an unauthorized request to the API server. This behavior is likely an indicator of compromise or of a problem within the cluster. An adversary may have gained access to credentials/tokens and this could be an attempt to access or create resources to facilitate further movement or execution within the cluster.

Detection logic

event.dataset: "kubernetes.audit_logs"
  and kubernetes.audit.user.username: system\:serviceaccount\:*
  and kubernetes.audit.annotations.authorization_k8s_io/decision: "forbid"