LoFP LoFP / the false-positive rate will vary based on how you set the deviation_threshold and data_samples values. our recommendation is to adjust these values based on your network traffic to and from your email servers.


Sample rules

Hosts receiving high volume of network traffic from email server


This search looks for an increase of data transfers from your email server to your clients. This could be indicative of a malicious actor collecting data using your email server.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` sum(All_Traffic.bytes_in) as bytes_in from datamodel=Network_Traffic where All_Traffic.dest_category=email_server by All_Traffic.src_ip _time span=1d 
| `drop_dm_object_name("All_Traffic")` 
| eventstats avg(bytes_in) as avg_bytes_in stdev(bytes_in) as stdev_bytes_in 
| eventstats count as num_data_samples avg(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_in, null))) as per_source_avg_bytes_in stdev(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_in, null))) as per_source_stdev_bytes_in by src_ip 
| eval minimum_data_samples = 4, deviation_threshold = 3 
| where num_data_samples >= minimum_data_samples AND bytes_in > (avg_bytes_in + (deviation_threshold * stdev_bytes_in)) AND bytes_in > (per_source_avg_bytes_in + (deviation_threshold * per_source_stdev_bytes_in)) AND _time >= relative_time(now(), "@d") 
| eval num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average = round(abs(bytes_in - avg_bytes_in) / stdev_bytes_in, 2), num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average = round(abs(bytes_in - per_source_avg_bytes_in) / per_source_stdev_bytes_in, 2) 
| table src_ip, _time, bytes_in, avg_bytes_in, per_source_avg_bytes_in, num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average, num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average 
| `hosts_receiving_high_volume_of_network_traffic_from_email_server_filter`

Email servers sending high volume traffic to hosts


This search looks for an increase of data transfers from your email server to your clients. This could be indicative of a malicious actor collecting data using your email server.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` sum(All_Traffic.bytes_out) as bytes_out from datamodel=Network_Traffic where All_Traffic.src_category=email_server by All_Traffic.dest_ip _time span=1d 
| `drop_dm_object_name("All_Traffic")` 
| eventstats avg(bytes_out) as avg_bytes_out stdev(bytes_out) as stdev_bytes_out 
| eventstats count as num_data_samples avg(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_out, null))) as per_source_avg_bytes_out stdev(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_out, null))) as per_source_stdev_bytes_out by dest_ip 
| eval minimum_data_samples = 4, deviation_threshold = 3 
| where num_data_samples >= minimum_data_samples AND bytes_out > (avg_bytes_out + (deviation_threshold * stdev_bytes_out)) AND bytes_out > (per_source_avg_bytes_out + (deviation_threshold * per_source_stdev_bytes_out)) AND _time >= relative_time(now(), "@d") 
| eval num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average = round(abs(bytes_out - avg_bytes_out) / stdev_bytes_out, 2), num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average = round(abs(bytes_out - per_source_avg_bytes_out) / per_source_stdev_bytes_out, 2) 
| table dest_ip, _time, bytes_out, avg_bytes_out, per_source_avg_bytes_out, num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average, num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average 
| `email_servers_sending_high_volume_traffic_to_hosts_filter`