Sample rules
Hosts receiving high volume of network traffic from email server
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1114.002
The following analytic identifies hosts receiving an unusually high volume of network traffic from an email server. It leverages the Network_Traffic data model to sum incoming bytes to clients from email servers, comparing current traffic against historical averages and standard deviations. This activity is significant as it may indicate data exfiltration by a malicious actor using the email server. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized data access and potential data breaches, compromising sensitive information and impacting organizational security.
Detection logic
| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` sum(All_Traffic.bytes_in) as bytes_in from datamodel=Network_Traffic where All_Traffic.dest_category=email_server by All_Traffic.src_ip _time span=1d
| `drop_dm_object_name("All_Traffic")`
| eventstats avg(bytes_in) as avg_bytes_in stdev(bytes_in) as stdev_bytes_in
| eventstats count as num_data_samples avg(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_in, null))) as per_source_avg_bytes_in stdev(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_in, null))) as per_source_stdev_bytes_in by src_ip
| eval minimum_data_samples = 4, deviation_threshold = 3
| where num_data_samples >= minimum_data_samples AND bytes_in > (avg_bytes_in + (deviation_threshold * stdev_bytes_in)) AND bytes_in > (per_source_avg_bytes_in + (deviation_threshold * per_source_stdev_bytes_in)) AND _time >= relative_time(now(), "@d")
| eval num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average = round(abs(bytes_in - avg_bytes_in) / stdev_bytes_in, 2), num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average = round(abs(bytes_in - per_source_avg_bytes_in) / per_source_stdev_bytes_in, 2)
| table src_ip, _time, bytes_in, avg_bytes_in, per_source_avg_bytes_in, num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average, num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average
| `hosts_receiving_high_volume_of_network_traffic_from_email_server_filter`
Email servers sending high volume traffic to hosts
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1114.002
The following analytic identifies a significant increase in data transfers from your email server to client hosts. It leverages the Network_Traffic data model to monitor outbound traffic from email servers, using statistical analysis to detect anomalies based on average and standard deviation metrics. This activity is significant as it may indicate a malicious actor exfiltrating data via your email server. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized data access and potential data breaches, compromising sensitive information and impacting organizational security.
Detection logic
| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` sum(All_Traffic.bytes_out) as bytes_out from datamodel=Network_Traffic where All_Traffic.src_category=email_server by All_Traffic.dest_ip _time span=1d
| `drop_dm_object_name("All_Traffic")`
| eventstats avg(bytes_out) as avg_bytes_out stdev(bytes_out) as stdev_bytes_out
| eventstats count as num_data_samples avg(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_out, null))) as per_source_avg_bytes_out stdev(eval(if(_time < relative_time(now(), "@d"), bytes_out, null))) as per_source_stdev_bytes_out by dest_ip
| eval minimum_data_samples = 4, deviation_threshold = 3
| where num_data_samples >= minimum_data_samples AND bytes_out > (avg_bytes_out + (deviation_threshold * stdev_bytes_out)) AND bytes_out > (per_source_avg_bytes_out + (deviation_threshold * per_source_stdev_bytes_out)) AND _time >= relative_time(now(), "@d")
| eval num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average = round(abs(bytes_out - avg_bytes_out) / stdev_bytes_out, 2), num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average = round(abs(bytes_out - per_source_avg_bytes_out) / per_source_stdev_bytes_out, 2)
| table dest_ip, _time, bytes_out, avg_bytes_out, per_source_avg_bytes_out, num_standard_deviations_away_from_server_average, num_standard_deviations_away_from_client_average
| `email_servers_sending_high_volume_traffic_to_hosts_filter`