Sample rules
Detect Spike in Network ACL Activity
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1562.007
This search will detect users creating spikes in API activity related to network access-control lists (ACLs)in your AWS environment. This search is deprecated and have been translated to use the latest Change Datamodel.
Detection logic
`cloudtrail` `network_acl_events` [search `cloudtrail` `network_acl_events`
| spath output=arn path=userIdentity.arn
| stats count as apiCalls by arn
| inputlookup network_acl_activity_baseline append=t
| fields - latestCount
| stats values(*) as * by arn
| rename apiCalls as latestCount
| eval newAvgApiCalls=avgApiCalls + (latestCount-avgApiCalls)/720
| eval newStdevApiCalls=sqrt(((pow(stdevApiCalls, 2)*719 + (latestCount-newAvgApiCalls)*(latestCount-avgApiCalls))/720))
| eval avgApiCalls=coalesce(newAvgApiCalls, avgApiCalls), stdevApiCalls=coalesce(newStdevApiCalls, stdevApiCalls), numDataPoints=if(isnull(latestCount), numDataPoints, numDataPoints+1)
| table arn, latestCount, numDataPoints, avgApiCalls, stdevApiCalls
| outputlookup network_acl_activity_baseline
| eval dataPointThreshold = 15, deviationThreshold = 3
| eval isSpike=if((latestCount > avgApiCalls+deviationThreshold*stdevApiCalls) AND numDataPoints > dataPointThreshold, 1, 0)
| where isSpike=1
| rename arn as userIdentity.arn
| table userIdentity.arn]
| spath output=user userIdentity.arn
| stats values(eventName) as eventNames, count as numberOfApiCalls, dc(eventName) as uniqueApisCalled by user
| `detect_spike_in_network_acl_activity_filter`
Detect Spike in blocked Outbound Traffic from your AWS
- source: splunk
- technicques:
The following analytic identifies spikes in blocked outbound network connections originating from within your AWS environment. It leverages VPC Flow Logs data from CloudWatch, focusing on blocked actions from internal IP ranges to external destinations. This detection is significant as it can indicate potential exfiltration attempts or misconfigurations leading to data leakage. If confirmed malicious, such activity could allow attackers to bypass network defenses, leading to unauthorized data transfer or communication with malicious external entities.
Detection logic
`cloudwatchlogs_vpcflow` action=blocked (src_ip= OR src_ip= OR src_ip= ( dest_ip!= AND dest_ip!= AND dest_ip!= [search `cloudwatchlogs_vpcflow` action=blocked (src_ip= OR src_ip= OR src_ip= ( dest_ip!= AND dest_ip!= AND dest_ip!=
| stats count as numberOfBlockedConnections by src_ip
| inputlookup baseline_blocked_outbound_connections append=t
| fields - latestCount
| stats values(*) as * by src_ip
| rename numberOfBlockedConnections as latestCount
| eval newAvgBlockedConnections=avgBlockedConnections + (latestCount-avgBlockedConnections)/720
| eval newStdevBlockedConnections=sqrt(((pow(stdevBlockedConnections, 2)*719 + (latestCount-newAvgBlockedConnections)*(latestCount-avgBlockedConnections))/720))
| eval avgBlockedConnections=coalesce(newAvgBlockedConnections, avgBlockedConnections), stdevBlockedConnections=coalesce(newStdevBlockedConnections, stdevBlockedConnections), numDataPoints=if(isnull(latestCount), numDataPoints, numDataPoints+1)
| table src_ip, latestCount, numDataPoints, avgBlockedConnections, stdevBlockedConnections
| outputlookup baseline_blocked_outbound_connections
| eval dataPointThreshold = 5, deviationThreshold = 3
| eval isSpike=if((latestCount > avgBlockedConnections+deviationThreshold*stdevBlockedConnections) AND numDataPoints > dataPointThreshold, 1, 0)
| where isSpike=1
| table src_ip]
| stats values(dest_ip) as dest_ip, values(interface_id) as "resourceId" count as numberOfBlockedConnections, dc(dest_ip) as uniqueDestConnections by src_ip
| `detect_spike_in_blocked_outbound_traffic_from_your_aws_filter`