LoFP LoFP / testing updates to compliance policies.


Sample rules

Unusual High Denied Sensitive Information Policy Blocks Detected


Detects repeated compliance violation ‘BLOCKED’ actions coupled with specific policy name such as ‘sensitive_information_policy’, indicating persistent misuse or attempts to probe the model’s denied topics.

Detection logic

from logs-aws_bedrock.invocation-*
| MV_EXPAND gen_ai.policy.name 
| where gen_ai.policy.action == "BLOCKED" and gen_ai.compliance.violation_detected == "true" and gen_ai.policy.name == "sensitive_information_policy"
| keep user.id
| stats sensitive_information_block = count() by user.id
| where sensitive_information_block > 5
| sort sensitive_information_block desc

Unusual High Word Policy Blocks Detected


Detects repeated compliance violation ‘BLOCKED’ actions coupled with specific policy name such as ‘word_policy’, indicating persistent misuse or attempts to probe the model’s denied topics.

Detection logic

from logs-aws_bedrock.invocation-*
| MV_EXPAND gen_ai.policy.name 
| where gen_ai.policy.action == "BLOCKED" and gen_ai.compliance.violation_detected == "true" and gen_ai.policy.name == "word_policy"
| keep user.id
| stats profanity_words= count() by user.id
| where profanity_words > 5
| sort profanity_words desc

Unusual High Confidence Content Filter Blocks Detected


Detects repeated high-confidence ‘BLOCKED’ actions coupled with specific ‘Content Filter’ policy violation having codes such as ‘MISCONDUCT’, ‘HATE’, ‘SEXUAL’, INSULTS’, ‘PROMPT_ATTACK’, ‘VIOLENCE’ indicating persistent misuse or attempts to probe the model’s ethical boundaries.

Detection logic

from logs-aws_bedrock.invocation-*
| MV_EXPAND gen_ai.compliance.violation_code
| MV_EXPAND gen_ai.policy.confidence
| MV_EXPAND gen_ai.policy.name 
| where gen_ai.policy.action == "BLOCKED" and gen_ai.policy.name == "content_policy" and gen_ai.policy.confidence LIKE "HIGH" and gen_ai.compliance.violation_code IN ("HATE", "MISCONDUCT", "SEXUAL", "INSULTS", "PROMPT_ATTACK", "VIOLENCE")
| keep user.id, gen_ai.compliance.violation_code
| stats block_count_per_violation = count() by user.id, gen_ai.compliance.violation_code 
| SORT block_count_per_violation DESC 
| keep user.id, gen_ai.compliance.violation_code, block_count_per_violation
| STATS violation_count = SUM(block_count_per_violation) by user.id
| WHERE violation_count > 5 
| SORT violation_count DESC 

Unusual High Denied Topic Blocks Detected


Detects repeated compliance violation ‘BLOCKED’ actions coupled with specific policy name such as ’topic_policy’, indicating persistent misuse or attempts to probe the model’s denied topics.

Detection logic

from logs-aws_bedrock.invocation-*
| MV_EXPAND gen_ai.policy.name 
| where gen_ai.policy.action == "BLOCKED" and gen_ai.compliance.violation_detected == "true" and gen_ai.policy.name == "topic_policy"
| keep user.id
| stats denied_topics = count() by user.id
| where denied_topics > 5
| sort denied_topics desc