LoFP LoFP / network admin and normal user may send this file attachment as part of their day to day work. having a good protocol in attaching this file type to an e-mail may reduce the risk of having a spear phishing attack.


Sample rules

GSuite Email Suspicious Attachment


This search is to detect a suspicious attachment file extension in Gsuite email that may related to spear phishing attack. This file type is commonly used by malware to lure user to click on it to execute malicious code to compromised targetted machine. But this search can also catch some normal files related to this file type that maybe send by employee or network admin.

Detection logic

`gsuite_gmail` "attachment{}.file_extension_type" IN ("pl", "py", "rb", "sh", "bat", "exe", "dll", "cpl", "com", "js", "vbs", "ps1", "reg","swf", "cmd", "go") 
| eval phase="plan" 
| eval severity="medium" 
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime values(attachment{}.file_extension_type) as email_attachments, values(attachment{}.sha256) as attachment_sha256, values(payload_size) as payload_size by destination{}.service num_message_attachments  subject destination{}.address source.address phase severity 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `gsuite_email_suspicious_attachment_filter`

Gsuite Outbound Email With Attachment To External Domain


This search is to detect a suspicious outbound e-mail from internal email to external email domain. This can be a good hunting query to monitor insider or outbound email traffic for not common domain e-mail. The idea is to parse the domain of destination email check if there is a minimum outbound traffic < 20 with attachment.

Detection logic

`gsuite_gmail` num_message_attachments > 0 
| rex field=source.from_header_address "[^@]+@(?<source_domain>[^@]+)" 
| rex field=destination{}.address "[^@]+@(?<dest_domain>[^@]+)" 
| where source_domain="internal_test_email.com" and not dest_domain="internal_test_email.com" 
| eval phase="plan" 
| eval severity="low" 
| stats values(subject) as subject, values(source.from_header_address) as src_domain_list, count as numEvents, dc(source.from_header_address) as numSrcAddresses, min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by dest_domain phase severity 
| where numSrcAddresses < 20 
|sort - numSrcAddresses 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `gsuite_outbound_email_with_attachment_to_external_domain_filter`