LoFP LoFP / multiple denifed mfa requests in a short period of span may also be a sign of authentication errors. investigate and filter as needed.


Sample rules

Azure AD Multiple Denied MFA Requests For User


This analytic targets the detection of an unusually high number of denied Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) requests for a single user within a 10-minute window, specifically identifying instances where more than nine MFA prompts were declined by the user. Utilizing Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) sign-in logs, particularly focusing on “Sign-in activity” events, it filters for scenarios where the MFA request was denied due to the user declining the authentication, as indicated by error code 500121 and additional details stating “MFA denied; user declined the authentication.” The data is then aggregated into 10-minute intervals, counting distinct raw events and capturing the earliest and latest times of occurrence for each user. This behavior is significant for a Security Operations Center (SOC) as it could be an early indicator of a targeted attack or an account compromise attempt, with an attacker having obtained the user’s credentials and the user actively declining the MFA prompts, preventing unauthorized access. A true positive detection would imply that an attacker is on the verge of gaining full access to the user’s account, posing a threat that could lead to data exfiltration, lateral movement, or further malicious activities within the organization, necessitating immediate investigation and response to safeguard the organization’s assets.

Detection logic

`azure_monitor_aad` category=SignInLogs operationName="Sign-in activity" 
| rename properties.* as * 
| search status.errorCode=500121 status.additionalDetails="MFA denied; user declined the authentication" 
| bucket span=10m _time 
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by user, status.additionalDetails, appDisplayName, user_agent 
| where count > 9 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `azure_ad_multiple_denied_mfa_requests_for_user_filter`