Sample rules
O365 User Consent Blocked for Risky Application
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1528
The following analytic identifies instances where Office 365 has blocked a user’s attempt to grant consent to an application deemed risky or potentially malicious. This detection leverages O365 audit logs, specifically focusing on failed user consent actions due to system-driven blocks. Monitoring these blocked consent attempts is crucial as it highlights potential threats early on, indicating that a user might be targeted or that malicious applications are attempting to infiltrate the organization. If confirmed malicious, this activity suggests that O365’s security measures successfully prevented a harmful application from accessing organizational data, warranting immediate investigation.
Detection logic
`o365_management_activity` Workload=AzureActiveDirectory Operation="Consent to application." ResultStatus=Failure
| eval permissions =mvindex('ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue', 4)
| eval reason =mvindex('ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue', 5)
| search reason = "Risky application detected"
| rex field=permissions "Scope: (?<Scope>[^,]+)"
| fillnull
| stats max(_time) as lastTime by user, reason, object, Scope, dest, src, vendor_account, vendor_product, signature
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| `o365_user_consent_blocked_for_risky_application_filter`