LoFP LoFP / limited false positives will be present, however, tune as necessary. some applications may legitimately load mshtml.dll.


Sample rules

MSHTML Module Load in Office Product


This detection identifies the loading of the mshtml.dll module into an Office product. This behavior is associated with CVE-2021-40444, where a malicious document loads ActiveX, thereby activating the MSHTML component. The vulnerability is found within the MSHTML component itself. During triage, it is important to identify concurrent processes and document any file modifications for further analysis.

Detection logic

`sysmon` EventID=7 process_name IN ("winword.exe","excel.exe","powerpnt.exe","mspub.exe","visio.exe","wordpad.exe","wordview.exe","onenote.exe","onenotem.exe","onenoteviewer.exe","onenoteim.exe", "msaccess.exe","Graph.exe","winproj.exe") loaded_file_path IN ("*\\mshtml.dll", "*\\Microsoft.mshtml.dll","*\\IE.Interop.MSHTML.dll","*\\MshtmlDac.dll","*\\MshtmlDed.dll","*\\MshtmlDer.dll") 
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by user_id, dest, process_name, loaded_file, loaded_file_path, original_file_name, process_guid 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `mshtml_module_load_in_office_product_filter`