LoFP LoFP / legitimate webproxy settings modification


Sample rules

WebProxy Settings Modification


Identifies the use of the built-in networksetup command to configure webproxy settings. This may indicate an attempt to hijack web browser traffic for credential access via traffic sniffing or redirection.

Detection logic

event.category:process and host.os.type:macos and event.type:start and
 process.name : networksetup and process.args : (("-setwebproxy" or "-setsecurewebproxy" or "-setautoproxyurl") and not (Bluetooth or off)) and
 not process.parent.executable : ("/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.80pct.FreedomHelper" or
                                  "/Applications/Fiddler Everywhere.app/Contents/Resources/app/out/WebServer/Fiddler.WebUi" or
                                  "/usr/libexec/xpcproxy") and
 not process.Ext.effective_parent.executable : ("/Applications/Proxyman.app/Contents/MacOS/Proxyman" or "/Applications/Incoggo.app/Contents/MacOS/Incoggo.app")