Sample rules
M365 OneDrive Excessive File Downloads with OAuth Token
- source: elastic
- technicques:
- T1530
Identifies when an excessive number of files are downloaded from OneDrive using OAuth authentication. Adversaries may conduct phishing campaigns to steal OAuth tokens and impersonate users. These access tokens can then be used to download files from OneDrive.
Detection logic
FROM logs-o365.audit-*
| WHERE @timestamp > now() - 14 day
event.dataset == "o365.audit" and
// filter on files downloaded from OneDrive
event.provider == "OneDrive" and
event.action == "FileDownloaded" and
// filter on OAuth authentication which encompasses device code workflow
o365.audit.AuthenticationType == "OAuth"
and event.outcome == "success"
// bucket authentication attempts by 1 minute
| EVAL target_time_window = DATE_TRUNC(1 minutes, @timestamp)
| KEEP target_time_window, o365.audit.UserId,, source.ip
// aggregate on unique file names and download attempts
| STATS unique_file_count = count_distinct(, download_attempt_count = count(*) BY target_time_window, o365.audit.UserId, source.ip
// adjustable range for "excessive" unique files that were downloaded
| WHERE unique_file_count >= 25