LoFP LoFP / legitimate user shell modification activity.


Sample rules

Shell Configuration Modification


This rule monitors the creation/alteration of a shell configuration by a previously unknown process executable using the new terms rule type. Unix systems use shell configuration files to set environment variables, create aliases, and customize the user’s environment. Adversaries may modify or add a shell configuration file to execute malicious code and gain persistence in the system. This behavior is consistent with the Kaiji malware family.

Detection logic

event.category:file and host.os.type:linux and
event.action:(creation or file_create_event or rename or file_rename_event) and file.path:(
  "/etc/profile" or "/etc/profile.local" or "/etc/bashrc" or "/etc/bash.bashrc" or "/etc/bash.bashrc.local" or
  "/etc/zshenv" or "/etc/zprofile" or "/etc/zlogin" or "/etc/zlogout" or "/root/.profile" or "/root/.bash_logout" or
  "/root/.bashrc" or "/root/.bash_login" or /etc/profile.d/* or /home/*/.profile or /home/*/.bash_logout or
  /home/*/.bashrc or /home/*/.bash_login
) and not (
  (process.executable: (
  "/bin/dpkg" or "/usr/bin/dpkg" or "/bin/useradd" or "/usr/sbin/useradd" or "/bin/adduser" or "/usr/sbin/adduser" or
  "/bin/dockerd" or "/usr/bin/dockerd" or "/bin/microdnf" or "/usr/bin/microdnf" or "/bin/rpm" or "/usr/bin/rpm" or
  "/bin/snapd" or "/usr/bin/snapd" or "/bin/yum" or "/usr/bin/yum" or "/bin/dnf" or "/usr/bin/dnf" or "/bin/podman" or
  "/usr/bin/podman" or "/bin/dnf-automatic" or "/usr/bin/dnf-automatic" or "/bin/pacman" or "/usr/bin/pacman"
) or
  (file.extension:("swp" or "swpx")) or
  (process.executable:("/bin/sed" or "/usr/bin/sed") and file.name:sed*) or
  (process.executable:("/bin/perl" or "/usr/bin/perl") and file.name:e2scrub_all.tmp*)