LoFP LoFP / it's possible that a user has unknowingly started an instance in a new region. please verify that this activity is legitimate.


Sample rules

Cloud Compute Instance Created In Previously Unused Region


This search looks at cloud-infrastructure events where an instance is created in any region within the last hour and then compares it to a lookup file of previously seen regions where instances have been created.

Detection logic

| tstats earliest(_time) as firstTime latest(_time) as lastTime values(All_Changes.object_id) as dest, count from datamodel=Change where All_Changes.action=created by All_Changes.vendor_region, All_Changes.user 
| `drop_dm_object_name("All_Changes")` 
| lookup previously_seen_cloud_regions vendor_region as vendor_region OUTPUTNEW firstTimeSeen, enough_data 
| eventstats max(enough_data) as enough_data 
| where enough_data=1 
| eval firstTimeSeenRegion=min(firstTimeSeen) 
| where isnull(firstTimeSeenRegion) OR firstTimeSeenRegion > relative_time(now(), "-24h@h") 
| table firstTime, user, dest, count , vendor_region 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `cloud_compute_instance_created_in_previously_unused_region_filter`

EC2 Instance Started In Previously Unseen Region


This search looks for AWS CloudTrail events where an instance is started in a particular region in the last one hour and then compares it to a lookup file of previously seen regions where an instance was started

Detection logic

`cloudtrail` earliest=-1h StartInstances 
| stats earliest(_time) as earliest latest(_time) as latest by awsRegion 
| inputlookup append=t previously_seen_aws_regions.csv 
| stats min(earliest) as earliest max(latest) as latest by awsRegion 
| outputlookup previously_seen_aws_regions.csv 
| eval regionStatus=if(earliest >= relative_time(now(),"-1d@d"), "Instance Started in a New Region","Previously Seen Region") 
| `security_content_ctime(earliest)` 
| `security_content_ctime(latest)` 
| where regionStatus="Instance Started in a New Region" 
| `ec2_instance_started_in_previously_unseen_region_filter`