LoFP LoFP / it is important to understand that if you happen to install any new applications on your hosts or are copying a large number of files, you can expect to see a large increase of file modifications.


Sample rules

Spike in File Writes


The search looks for a sharp increase in the number of files written to a particular host

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count FROM datamodel=Endpoint.Filesystem where Filesystem.action=created by _time span=1h, Filesystem.dest 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Filesystem)` 
| eventstats max(_time) as maxtime 
| stats count as num_data_samples max(eval(if(_time >= relative_time(maxtime, "-1d@d"), count, null))) as "count" avg(eval(if(_time<relative_time(maxtime, "-1d@d"), count,null))) as avg stdev(eval(if(_time<relative_time(maxtime, "-1d@d"), count, null))) as stdev by "dest" 
| eval upperBound=(avg+stdev*4), isOutlier=if((count > upperBound) AND num_data_samples >=20, 1, 0) 
| search isOutlier=1 
| `spike_in_file_writes_filter`