LoFP LoFP / install or update of a legitimate printing driver. verify the printer driver file metadata such as manufacturer and signature information.


Sample rules

Unusual Print Spooler Child Process


Detects unusual Print Spooler service (spoolsv.exe) child processes. This may indicate an attempt to exploit privilege escalation vulnerabilities related to the Printing Service on Windows.

Detection logic

process where host.os.type == "windows" and event.type == "start" and
 process.parent.name : "spoolsv.exe" and process.command_line != null and
 (?process.Ext.token.integrity_level_name : "System" or ?winlog.event_data.IntegrityLevel : "System") and

 /* exclusions for FP control below */
 not process.name : ("splwow64.exe", "PDFCreator.exe", "acrodist.exe", "spoolsv.exe", "msiexec.exe", "route.exe", "WerFault.exe") and
 not process.command_line : "*\\WINDOWS\\system32\\spool\\DRIVERS*" and
 not (process.name : "net.exe" and process.command_line : ("*stop*", "*start*")) and
 not (process.name : ("cmd.exe", "powershell.exe") and process.command_line : ("*.spl*", "*\\program files*", "*route add*")) and
 not (process.name : "netsh.exe" and process.command_line : ("*add portopening*", "*rule name*")) and
 not (process.name : "regsvr32.exe" and process.command_line : "*PrintConfig.dll*") and
 not process.executable : (
    "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\CutePDF Writer\\CPWriter2.exe",
    "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\GPLGS\\gswin32c.exe"