LoFP LoFP / false positives will be limited to administrative scripts disabling hvci. filter as needed.


Sample rules

Windows Impair Defenses Disable HVCI


The following analytic refers to a detection mechanism designed to identify when the Hypervisor-protected Code Integrity (HVCI) feature is disabled within the Windows registry. HVCI is a security feature in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 that helps protect the kernel and system processes from being tampered with by malicious code. HVCI relies on hardware-assisted virtualization and Microsoft’s Hyper-V hypervisor to ensure that only kernel-mode code that has been signed by Microsoft or the system’s hardware manufacturer can be executed. This prevents attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities to run unsigned code, like kernel-mode rootkits or other malicious software, at the kernel level. Disabling HVCI may expose the system to security risks and could be an indicator of a potential compromise or unauthorized activity. The analytic aims to detect and report events or configurations that lead to the disabling of HVCI.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime from datamodel=Endpoint.Registry where Registry.registry_path = "*\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\DeviceGuard\\Scenarios\\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity\\Enabled" Registry.registry_value_data="0x00000000"  by  Registry.registry_path Registry.registry_value_name Registry.registry_value_data Registry.process_guid Registry.action  Registry.user Registry.dest 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Registry)` 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `windows_impair_defenses_disable_hvci_filter`