LoFP LoFP / false positives may occur if applications are typically disabling asr rules in the environment. monitor for changes to asr rules to determine if this is a false positive.


Sample rules

Windows Defender ASR Rule Disabled


The following analytic identifies when a Windows Defender ASR rule disabled events. ASR is a feature of Windows Defender Exploit Guard that prevents actions and apps that are typically used by exploit-seeking malware to infect machines. ASR rules are applied to processes and applications. When a process or application attempts to perform an action that is blocked by an ASR rule, an event is generated. This detection searches for ASR rule disabled events that are generated when an ASR rule is disabled.

Detection logic

`ms_defender` EventCode IN (5007) 
| rex field=New_Value "0x(?<New_Registry_Value>\\d+)$" 
| rex field=Old_Value "0x(?<Old_Registry_Value>\\d+)$" 
| rex field=New_Value "Rules\\\\(?<ASR_ID>[A-Fa-f0-9\\-]+)\\s*=" 
| eval New_Registry_Value=case(New_Registry_Value=="0", "Disabled", New_Registry_Value=="1", "Block", New_Registry_Value=="2", "Audit", New_Registry_Value=="6", "Warn") 
| eval Old_Registry_Value=case(Old_Registry_Value=="0", "Disabled", Old_Registry_Value=="1", "Block", Old_Registry_Value=="2", "Audit", Old_Registry_Value=="6", "Warn") 
| search New_Registry_Value="Disabled" 
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by host, New_Value, Old_Value, Old_Registry_Value, New_Registry_Value, ASR_ID 
| lookup asr_rules ID AS ASR_ID OUTPUT ASR_Rule 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| rename host as dest 
| `windows_defender_asr_rule_disabled_filter`