Sample rules
Okta Account Locked Out
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1110
DEPRECATION NOTE - This search has been deprecated and replaced with Okta Multiple Accounts Locked Out
. The following analytic utilizes the user.acount.lock event to identify associates who are locked out of Okta. An adversary attempting to brute force or password spray account names may lock accounts out depending on the threshold.
Detection logic
`okta` eventType=user.account.lock
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime values(displayMessage) values(src_user) as user by src_ip eventType status
| where count >=3
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| `okta_account_locked_out_filter`
Okta Two or More Rejected Okta Pushes
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1110
DEPRECATION NOTE - This search has been deprecated and replaced with Okta Multiple Failed MFA Requests For User
. The following analytic identifies an account that has rejected more than 2 Push notifications in a 10 minute window. Modify this query for your environment by upping the count or time window.
Detection logic
`okta` outcome.reason="User rejected Okta push verify" OR (debugContext.debugData.factor="OKTA_VERIFY_PUSH" outcome.result=FAILURE legacyEventType="core.user.factor.attempt_fail" "target{}.detailEntry.methodTypeUsed"="Get a push notification")
| bin _time as bin_time span=10m
| eval user=coalesce(actor.alternateId,user), user=mvindex(split(user, "@"), 0), event_time = _time
| stats earliest(event_time) as event_time, min(_time) as firsttime max(_time) as lasttime values(client.ipAddress) as client.ipAddress, values(outcome.reason) as outcome, values(src_ip) AS src_ip, values(client.userAgent.rawUserAgent) as user_agent, values(eventType) as eventType, values(outcome.result) as action, values(legacyEventType) as legacyEventType values(index) as idx, values(sourcetype) as st count by bin_time user host
| rename bin_time as timeWindow
| convert ctime(*timeWindow) ctime(firsttime) ctime(lasttime)
| where count >= 2
| `okta_two_or_more_rejected_okta_pushes_filter`
Okta MFA Exhaustion Hunt
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1110
The following analytic detects patterns of successful and failed Okta MFA push attempts to identify potential MFA exhaustion attacks. It leverages Okta event logs, specifically focusing on push verification events, and uses statistical evaluations to determine suspicious activity. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attacker attempting to bypass MFA by overwhelming the user with push notifications. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, compromising the security of the affected accounts and potentially the entire environment.
Detection logic
`okta` eventType=system.push.send_factor_verify_push OR ((legacyEventType=core.user.factor.attempt_success) AND (debugContext.debugData.factor=OKTA_VERIFY_PUSH)) OR ((legacyEventType=core.user.factor.attempt_fail) AND (debugContext.debugData.factor=OKTA_VERIFY_PUSH))
| stats count(eval(legacyEventType="core.user.factor.attempt_success")) as successes count(eval(legacyEventType="core.user.factor.attempt_fail")) as failures count(eval(eventType="system.push.send_factor_verify_push")) as pushes by user,_time
| stats latest(_time) as lasttime earliest(_time) as firsttime sum(successes) as successes sum(failures) as failures sum(pushes) as pushes by user
| eval seconds=lasttime-firsttime
| eval lasttime=strftime(lasttime, "%c")
| search (pushes>1)
| eval totalattempts=successes+failures
| eval finding="Normal authentication pattern"
| eval finding=if(failures==pushes AND pushes>1,"Authentication attempts not successful because multiple pushes denied",finding)
| eval finding=if(totalattempts==0,"Multiple pushes sent and ignored",finding)
| eval finding=if(successes>0 AND pushes>3,"Probably should investigate. Multiple pushes sent, eventual successful authentication!",finding)
| `okta_mfa_exhaustion_hunt_filter`
Okta New API Token Created
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1078.001
The following analytic detects the creation of a new API token within an Okta tenant. It uses OktaIm2 logs ingested via the Splunk Add-on for Okta Identity Cloud to identify events where the system.api_token.create
command is executed. This activity is significant because creating a new API token can indicate potential account takeover attempts or unauthorized access, allowing an adversary to maintain persistence. If confirmed malicious, this could enable attackers to execute API calls, access sensitive data, and perform administrative actions within the Okta environment.
Detection logic
| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count max(_time) as lastTime, min(_time) as firstTime from datamodel=Change where All_Changes.action=created AND All_Changes.command=system.api_token.create by _time span=5m All_Changes.user All_Changes.result All_Changes.command sourcetype All_Changes.src All_Changes.action All_Changes.object_category
| `drop_dm_object_name("All_Changes")`
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| `okta_new_api_token_created_filter`