LoFP LoFP / false positives may be present based on proxy usage internally. filter as needed.


Sample rules

Linux Proxy Socks Curl


The following analytic detects the use of the curl command with proxy-related arguments such as -x, socks, --preproxy, and --proxy. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions and process details. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to use a proxy to evade network monitoring and obscure their actions. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to bypass security controls, making it difficult to track their activities and potentially leading to unauthorized data access or exfiltration.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime from datamodel=Endpoint.Processes where Processes.process_name=curl Processes.process IN ("*-x *", "*socks4a://*", "*socks5h://*", "*socks4://*","*socks5://*", "*--preproxy *", "--proxy*") by Processes.dest Processes.user Processes.parent_process_name Processes.process_name Processes.process Processes.process_id Processes.parent_process_id 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Processes)` 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| where match(process, "-x\s") OR match(process, "(?i)socks\d\w?:\/\/
| `linux_proxy_socks_curl_filter`