LoFP LoFP / false positives may be generated by normal provisioning workflows for user device registration.


Sample rules

PingID Multiple Failed MFA Requests For User


The following analytic identifies multiple failed multi-factor authentication requests for a single user within a PingID (PingOne) environment. Specifically, the analytic triggers when 10 or more MFA user prompts fail within 10 minutes. PingID environments can be very different depending on the organization, Security teams should test this detection and customize these arbitrary thresholds. The detected behavior may represent an adversary who has obtained legitimate credentials for a user and continuously repeats login attempts in order to bombard users with MFA push notifications, SMS messages, and phone calls potentially resulting in the user finally accepting the authentication request. Threat actors like the Lapsus team and APT29 have leveraged this technique to bypass multi-factor authentication controls as reported by Mandiant and others.

Detection logic

`pingid` "result.status" IN ("FAILURE,authFail","UNSUCCESSFUL_ATTEMPT") 
| eval time = _time, src = coalesce('resources{}.ipaddress','resources{}.devicemodel'), user = upper('actors{}.name'), object = 'resources{}.devicemodel', reason = 'result.message'
| bucket span=10m _time 
| stats dc(_raw) AS mfa_prompts min(time) as firstTime, max(time) as lastTime values(src) as src by user, reason, _time 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| where mfa_prompts >= 10 
| `pingid_multiple_failed_mfa_requests_for_user_filter`

PingID New MFA Method Registered For User


The following analytic identifies the registration of a new Multi Factor authentication method for a PingID (PingOne) account. Adversaries who have obtained unauthorized access to a user account may register a new MFA method to maintain persistence.

Detection logic

`pingid` "result.message"="Device Paired*" result.status="SUCCESS"   
| rex field=result.message "Device (Unp)?(P)?aired (?<device_extract>.+)" 
| eval src = coalesce('resources{}.ipaddress','resources{}.devicemodel'), user = upper('actors{}.name'), reason = 'result.message' 
| eval object=CASE(ISNOTNULL('resources{}.devicemodel'),'resources{}.devicemodel',true(),device_extract) 
| eval action=CASE(match('result.message',"Device Paired*"),"created",match('result.message', "Device Unpaired*"),"deleted") 
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime, max(_time) as lastTime by src,user,object,action,reason 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `pingid_new_mfa_method_registered_for_user_filter`