Sample rules
Kubernetes Privileged Pod Created
- source: elastic
- technicques:
- T1610
- T1611
This rule detects when a user creates a pod/container running in privileged mode. A highly privileged container has access to the node’s resources and breaks the isolation between containers. If compromised, an attacker can use the privileged container to gain access to the underlying host. Gaining access to the host may provide the adversary with the opportunity to achieve follow-on objectives, such as establishing persistence, moving laterally within the environment, or setting up a command and control channel on the host.
Detection logic
event.dataset : "kubernetes.audit_logs"
and kubernetes.audit.annotations.authorization_k8s_io/decision:"allow"
and kubernetes.audit.objectRef.resource:pods
and kubernetes.audit.verb:create
and kubernetes.audit.requestObject.spec.containers.securityContext.privileged:true
and not kubernetes.audit.requestObject.spec.containers.image: ("")