Sample rules
Windows Multiple NTLM Null Domain Authentications
- source: splunk
- technicques:
- T1110.003
The following analytic detects when a device is the target of numerous NTLM authentications using a null domain. This activity generally results when an attacker attempts to brute force, password spray, or otherwise authenticate to a domain joined Windows device from a non-domain device. This activity may also generate a large number of EventID 4776 events in tandem, however these events will not indicate the attacker or target device
Detection logic
`ntlm_audit` EventCode IN (8004,8005,8006) DomainName=NULL UserName!=NULL
| eval src = replace(WorkstationName,"\\\\","") ```CIM alignment, remove leading \\ from some auth attempts ```
| eval dest = SChannelName, user = UserName ``` CIM alignment```
| where SChannelName!=src ``` Remove NTLM auths to self, improves accuracy for certain applications```
| `windows_multiple_ntlm_null_domain_authentications_filter`
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime dc(eval(upper(user))) as unique_count dc(eval(upper(src))) as src_count by dest
| eventstats avg(unique_count) as unique_avg , stdev(unique_count) as unique_std
| eval upperBound_unique=(1+unique_avg+unique_std*3) ``` adjust formula for sensitivity```
| eval isOutlier=CASE(unique_count > upperBound_unique, 1, true(), 0)
| where isOutlier==1
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`