LoFP LoFP / an administrator may submit this request as an \"impersonateduser\" to determine what privileges a particular service account has been granted. however, an adversary may utilize the same technique as a means to determine the privileges of another token other than that of the compromised account.


Sample rules

Kubernetes Suspicious Self-Subject Review


This rule detects when a service account or node attempts to enumerate their own permissions via the selfsubjectaccessreview or selfsubjectrulesreview APIs. This is highly unusual behavior for non-human identities like service accounts and nodes. An adversary may have gained access to credentials/tokens and this could be an attempt to determine what privileges they have to facilitate further movement or execution within the cluster.

Detection logic

event.dataset : "kubernetes.audit_logs"
  and kubernetes.audit.annotations.authorization_k8s_io/decision:"allow"
  and kubernetes.audit.verb:"create"
  and kubernetes.audit.objectRef.resource:("selfsubjectaccessreviews" or "selfsubjectrulesreviews")
  and (kubernetes.audit.user.username:(system\:serviceaccount\:* or system\:node\:*)
  or kubernetes.audit.impersonatedUser.username:(system\:serviceaccount\:* or system\:node\:*))