LoFP LoFP / an administrator may need to exec into a pod for a legitimate reason like debugging purposes. containers built from linux and windows os images, tend to include debugging utilities. in this case, an admin may choose to run commands inside a specific container with kubectl exec ${pod_name} -c ${container_name} -- ${cmd} ${arg1} ${arg2} ... ${argn}. for example, the following command can be used to look at logs from a running cassandra pod: kubectl exec cassandra --cat /var/log/cassandra/system.log . additionally, the -i and -t arguments might be used to run a shell connected to the terminal: kubectl exec -i -t cassandra -- sh


Sample rules

Interactive Exec Command Launched Against A Running Container


This rule detects interactive ’exec’ events launched against a container using the ’exec’ command. Using the ’exec' command in a pod allows a user to establish a temporary shell session and execute any process/command inside the container. This rule specifically targets higher-risk interactive commands that allow real-time interaction with a container’s shell. A malicious actor could use this level of access to further compromise the container environment or attempt a container breakout.

Detection logic

process where container.id : "*" and event.type== "start" and

/* use of kubectl exec to enter a container */
process.entry_leader.entry_meta.type : "container" and

/* process is the inital process run in a container */
process.entry_leader.same_as_process== true and

/* interactive process */
process.interactive == true

Kubernetes User Exec into Pod


This rule detects a user attempt to establish a shell session into a pod using the ’exec’ command. Using the ’exec' command in a pod allows a user to establish a temporary shell session and execute any process/commands in the pod. An adversary may call bash to gain a persistent interactive shell which will allow access to any data the pod has permissions to, including secrets.

Detection logic

event.dataset : "kubernetes.audit_logs"
  and kubernetes.audit.annotations.authorization_k8s_io/decision:"allow"
  and kubernetes.audit.verb:"create"
  and kubernetes.audit.objectRef.resource:"pods"
  and kubernetes.audit.objectRef.subresource:"exec"