Sample rules
Kubernetes Pod created with a Sensitive hostPath Volume
- source: elastic
- technicques:
- T1610
- T1611
This rule detects when a pod is created with a sensitive volume of type hostPath. A hostPath volume type mounts a sensitive file or folder from the node to the container. If the container gets compromised, the attacker can use this mount for gaining access to the node. There are many ways a container with unrestricted access to the host filesystem can escalate privileges, including reading data from other containers, and accessing tokens of more privileged pods.
Detection logic
event.dataset : "kubernetes.audit_logs"
and kubernetes.audit.annotations.authorization_k8s_io/decision:"allow"
and kubernetes.audit.objectRef.resource:"pods"
and kubernetes.audit.verb:("create" or "update" or "patch")
and kubernetes.audit.requestObject.spec.volumes.hostPath.path:
("/" or
"/proc" or
"/root" or
"/var" or
"/var/run" or
"/var/run/docker.sock" or
"/var/run/crio/crio.sock" or
"/var/run/cri-dockerd.sock" or
"/var/lib/kubelet" or
"/var/lib/kubelet/pki" or
"/var/lib/docker/overlay2" or
"/etc" or
"/etc/kubernetes" or
"/etc/kubernetes/manifests" or
"/etc/kubernetes/pki" or
and not kubernetes.audit.requestObject.spec.containers.image: ("")