LoFP LoFP / administrators may legitimately create azure runbook webhooks. filter as needed.


Sample rules

Azure Runbook Webhook Created


The following analytic identifies the creation of a new Automation Runbook Webhook within an Azure tenant. Azure Automation is a cloud-based automation platform that allows administrators to automate Azure management tasks and orchestrate actions across external systems within Azure. Azure Automation script files called Runbooks that can be written in PowerShell or Python. One of the ways administrators can configure a Runbook to be executed is through HTTP Webhooks. Webhooks leverage custom unauthenticated URLs that are exposed to the Internet. An adversary who has obtained privileged access to an Azure tenant may create a Webhook to trigger the execution of an Automation Runbook with malicious code that can create users or execute code on a VM. This provides a persistent foothold on the environment.

Detection logic

 `azure_audit` operationName.localizedValue="Create or Update an Azure Automation webhook" status.value=Succeeded 
| dedup object 
| rename claims.ipaddr as src_ip 
| rename caller as user 
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by object user, src_ip, resourceGroupName, object_path 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `azure_runbook_webhook_created_filter`