LoFP LoFP / admin may disable this application for non technical user.


Sample rules

Disabling CMD Application


The following analytic detects modifications to the registry that disable the CMD prompt application. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically looking for changes to the “DisableCMD” registry value. This activity is significant because disabling CMD can hinder an analyst’s ability to investigate and remediate threats, a tactic often used by malware such as RATs, Trojans, or Worms. If confirmed malicious, this could prevent security teams from using CMD for directory and file traversal, complicating incident response and allowing the attacker to maintain persistence.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime FROM datamodel=Endpoint.Registry WHERE (Registry.registry_path= "*\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System\\DisableCMD" Registry.registry_value_data = "0x00000001") BY Registry.dest Registry.user Registry.registry_path Registry.registry_key_name Registry.registry_value_name Registry.registry_value_data Registry.process_guid 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Registry)` 
| where isnotnull(registry_value_data) 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `disabling_cmd_application_filter`

Disabling FolderOptions Windows Feature


The following analytic detects the modification of the Windows registry to disable the Folder Options feature, which prevents users from showing hidden files and file extensions. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the registry path “*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoFolderOptions” with a value of “0x00000001”. This activity is significant as it is commonly used by malware to conceal malicious files and deceive users with fake file extensions. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to hide their presence and malicious files, making detection and remediation more difficult.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime FROM datamodel=Endpoint.Registry WHERE (Registry.registry_path= "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer\\NoFolderOptions" Registry.registry_value_data = "0x00000001") BY Registry.dest Registry.user Registry.registry_path Registry.registry_key_name Registry.registry_value_name Registry.registry_value_data Registry.process_guid 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Registry)`
| where isnotnull(registry_value_data) 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `disabling_folderoptions_windows_feature_filter`

Disabling Task Manager


The following analytic identifies modifications to the Windows registry that disable Task Manager. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically looking for changes to the registry path “*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableTaskMgr” with a value of “0x00000001”. This activity is significant as it is commonly associated with malware such as RATs, Trojans, and worms, which disable Task Manager to prevent users from terminating malicious processes. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain persistence and control over the infected system.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime FROM datamodel=Endpoint.Registry WHERE (Registry.registry_path= "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\\DisableTaskMgr" Registry.registry_value_data = "0x00000001") BY Registry.dest Registry.user Registry.registry_path Registry.registry_key_name Registry.registry_value_name Registry.registry_value_data Registry.process_guid 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Registry)` 
| where isnotnull(registry_value_data) 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `disabling_task_manager_filter`

Disable Registry Tool


The following analytic detects modifications to the Windows registry aimed at disabling the Registry Editor (regedit). It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the registry path “*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableRegistryTools” with a value of “0x00000001”. This activity is significant because malware, such as RATs or trojans, often disable registry tools to prevent the removal of their entries, aiding in persistence and defense evasion. If confirmed malicious, this could hinder incident response efforts and allow the attacker to maintain control over the compromised system.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime FROM datamodel=Endpoint.Registry WHERE (Registry.registry_path= "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\\DisableRegistryTools" Registry.registry_value_data = "0x00000001") BY Registry.user Registry.dest Registry.registry_path Registry.registry_key_name Registry.registry_value_name Registry.registry_value_data Registry.process_guid 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Registry)`
| where isnotnull(registry_value_data) 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `disable_registry_tool_filter`

Disabling NoRun Windows App


The following analytic detects the modification of the Windows registry to disable the Run application in the Start menu. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the registry path “*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoRun” with a value of “0x00000001”. This activity is significant because the Run application is a useful shortcut for executing known applications and scripts. If confirmed malicious, this action could hinder system cleaning efforts and make it more difficult to run essential tools, thereby aiding malware persistence.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime FROM datamodel=Endpoint.Registry WHERE (Registry.registry_path= "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer\\NoRun" Registry.registry_value_data = "0x00000001") BY Registry.dest Registry.user Registry.registry_path Registry.registry_key_name Registry.registry_value_name Registry.registry_value_data Registry.process_guid 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Registry)`
| where isnotnull(registry_value_data) 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `disabling_norun_windows_app_filter`

Disabling ControlPanel


The following analytic detects registry modifications that disable the Control Panel on Windows systems. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the registry path “*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoControlPanel” with a value of “0x00000001”. This activity is significant as it is commonly used by malware to prevent users from accessing the Control Panel, thereby hindering the removal of malicious artifacts and persistence mechanisms. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain control over the infected machine and prevent remediation efforts.

Detection logic

| tstats `security_content_summariesonly` count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime FROM datamodel=Endpoint.Registry WHERE (Registry.registry_path= "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer\\NoControlPanel" Registry.registry_value_data = "0x00000001") BY Registry.dest Registry.user Registry.registry_path Registry.registry_key_name Registry.registry_value_name Registry.registry_value_data Registry.process_guid 
| `drop_dm_object_name(Registry)`
| where isnotnull(registry_value_data) 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `disabling_controlpanel_filter`