LoFP LoFP / t1572


administrative activity
administrative activity using a remote port forwarding to a local port
another tool that uses the command line switches of ngrok
dns domains that use large numbers of child domains, such as software or content distribution networks, can trigger this alert and such parent domains can be excluded.
false positives may be present if ngrok is an authorized utility. filter as needed.
false positives may be present if the organization allows for ssh tunneling outbound or internally. filter as needed.
false positives will be present based on organizations that allow the use of ngrok. filter or monitor as needed.
legitimate usage of cloudflared tunnel.
legitimate usage of cloudflared.
legitimate use of ngrok
legitimate use of the localtonet service.
legitimate use of the ngrok service.
ngrok http 3978 (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-service-debug-channel-ngrok?view=azure-bot-service-4.0)
normal use of iodine is uncommon apart from security testing and research. use by non-security engineers is very uncommon.