LoFP LoFP / t1569


a dns lookup does not necessarily mean a successful attempt, verify a) if there was a response using the zeek answers field, if there was then verify the connections (conn.log) to those ips. b) verify if http, ssl, or tls activity to the domain that was queried. http.log field is 'host' and ssl/tls is 'server_name'.
administrative tasks on remote services
false positives may occur if a user called rundll32 from cli with no options
legitimate administration activities is expected to trigger false positives. investigate the command line being passed to determine if the service or launch agent are suspicious.
legitimate administrator activity
legitimate administrator or user executes a service for legitimate reasons.
legitimate administrator using credential dumping tool for password recovery
legitimate use by administrators
possible, different agents with a 8 character binary and a 4, 8 or 16 character service name
psexec is a dual-use tool that can be used for benign or malicious activity. it's important to baseline your environment to determine the amount of noise to expect from this tool.
rare legitimate use of psexec from the locations mentioned above. this will require initial tuning based on your environment.
the rule doesn't look for anything suspicious so false positives are expected. if you use one of the tools mentioned, comment it out
windows administrator tasks or troubleshooting
windows management scripts or software