LoFP LoFP / t1564


administrative or software activity
applications could use this notation occasionally which might generate some false positives. in that case investigate the parent and child process.
certain tools may create hidden temporary directories upon installation or as part of their normal behavior. these events can be filtered by the process arguments, username, or process name values.
certain tools may create hidden temporary files or directories upon installation or as part of their normal behavior. these events can be filtered by the process arguments, username, or process name values.
igfxcuiservice.exe hiding *.cui files via .bat script (attrib.exe a child of cmd.exe and igfxcuiservice.exe is the parent of the cmd.exe)
legitimate administration activities
legitimate administrative action
legitimate administrative use
legitimate disabling of crashdumps
legitimate powershell scripts
legitimate usage of chflags by administrators and users.
msiexec.exe hiding desktop.ini
none identified. attempts to add deny aces to services, especially security-related services should be immediately investigated.
none identified. attempts to disable security-related services should be identified and understood.
software installers
some false positives might occur with binaries download via github
system administrator activities
system informer is regularly used legitimately by system administrators or developers. apply additional filters accordingly
this may have false positives on hosts where virtualbox is legitimately being used for operations
this rule isn't looking for any particular binary characteristics. as legitimate installers and programs were seen embedding hidden binaries in their ads. some false positives are expected from browser processes and similar.
very possible
while sometimes 'process hacker is used by legitimate administrators, the execution of process hacker must be investigated and allowed on a case by case basis