LoFP LoFP / t1552


a newly installed program or one that runs very rarely as part of a monthly or quarterly workflow could trigger this detection rule.
a newly installed program, or one that runs under a new or rarely used user context, could trigger this detection rule. manual interrogation of the metadata service during debugging or troubleshooting could trigger this rule.
a user may generate a shared access link to encryption key files to share with others. it is unlikely that the intended recipient is an external or anonymous user.
administrative activity
administrative or software activity
as the script block is a blob of text. false positive may occur with scripts that contain the keyword as a reference or simply use it for detection.
automated processes may need to take these actions and may need to be filtered.
azure kubernetes admissions controller may be done by a system administrator.
commonly run by administrators
false positives will be present based on many factors. tune the correlation as needed to reduce too many triggers.
files that accidentally contain these strings
google cloud kubernetes admission controller may be done by a system administrator.
if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
key being modified or deleted may be performed by a system administrator.
key modified or deleted from unfamiliar users should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
key vault being modified or deleted may be performed by a system administrator.
key vault modifications may be done by a system or network administrator. verify whether the username, hostname, and/or resource name should be making changes in your environment. key vault modifications from unfamiliar users or hosts should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
key vault modified or deleted from unfamiliar users should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
legitimate administration activities
legitimate certificate exports by administrators. additional filters might be required.
legitimate software, cleaning hist file
legitimate usage of chflags by administrators and users.
legitimate usage of the utility by administrators to query the event log
microsoft windows installers leveraging rundll32 for installation.
modifying the kubernetes admission controller may need to be done by a system administrator.
not commonly run by administrators, especially if remote logging is configured
not commonly run by administrators. also whitelist your known good certificates
secrets being modified or deleted may be performed by a system administrator.
secrets modified or deleted from unfamiliar users should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
system administrators managing certificates.
the kubernetes dashboard occasionally accesses the kubernetes-dashboard-key-holder secret
third party software may access this outlook registry.
this is an intentional action taken by aws in the event of compromised credentials. follow the instructions specified in the support case created for you regarding this event.
users searching excessively or possible false positives related to matching conditions.
when a legitimate new user logins for the first time, this activity will be detected. check how old the account is and verify that the user activity is legitimate.
when a new application owner is added by an administrator
when and administrator is making legitimate appid uri configuration changes to an application. this should be a planned event.