LoFP LoFP / t1531


a mfa device may be deactivated by a system or network administrator. verify whether the user identity, user agent, and/or hostname should be making changes in your environment. mfa device deactivations from unfamiliar users or hosts should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
a resource group may be deleted by a system administrator. verify whether the user identity, user agent, and/or hostname should be making changes in your environment. resource group deletions by unfamiliar users or hosts should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
administrators or power users may use this command.
an rds security group deletion may be done by a system or network administrator. verify whether the user identity, user agent, and/or hostname should be making changes in your environment. security group deletions by unfamiliar users or hosts should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
automated processes using tools like terraform may trigger this alert.
deletions by unfamiliar users should be investigated. if the behavior is known and expected, it can be exempted from the rule.
google workspace admin roles may be deleted by system administrators. verify that the configuration change was expected. exceptions can be added to this rule to filter expected behavior.
if the behavior of revoking okta api tokens is expected, consider adding exceptions to this rule to filter false positives.
legitimate administrative actions by authorized system administrators could cause this alert. verify the user identity, user agent, and hostname to ensure they are expected.
legitimate administrator activities
legitimate remote account administration.
mfa policies may be modified by system administrators. verify that the configuration change was expected. exceptions can be added to this rule to filter expected behavior.
role deletions may be done by a system or network administrator. verify whether the user email, resource name, and/or hostname should be making changes in your environment. role deletions by unfamiliar users or hosts should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
service account being disabled or deleted may be performed by a system administrator. verify whether the user identity, user agent, and/or hostname should be making changes in your environment.
service account being modified or deleted may be performed by a system administrator. verify whether the user identity, user agent, and/or hostname should be making changes in your environment.
service account disabled or deleted from unfamiliar users should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
service account modified or deleted from unfamiliar users should be investigated. if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
service accounts may be deleted by system administrators. verify that the behavior was expected. exceptions can be added to this rule to filter expected behavior.
service accounts may be disabled by system administrators. verify that the behavior was expected. exceptions can be added to this rule to filter expected behavior.
system administrators or scripts may delete user accounts via this technique. filter as needed.