LoFP LoFP / t1486


admin or user tool that can terminate multiple process.
administrators may enable or disable this feature that may cause some false positive.
administrators within an aws organization structure may legitimately encrypt bucket objects with a key from an account different from the target bucket. ensure that this behavior is not part of a legitimate operation before taking action.
backup software
dev, uat, sat environment. you should apply this rule with prod account only.
if cloud app security identifies, for example, a high rate of file uploads or file deletion activities it may represent an adverse encryption process.
if there are files with this keywoord as file names it might trigger false possitives, please make use of our filters to tune out potential fps.
it is possible false positives may be present based on the internal name dcinst.exe, filter as needed. it may be worthy to alert on the service name.
legitimate use of server-side encryption with customer-provided keys (sse-c) to encrypt objects in an s3 bucket.
no false positives have been identified.
other legitimate windows processes not currently listed
processes related to software installation
system administrator activities
there maybe buckets provisioned with s3 encryption