LoFP LoFP / t1136.003


administrator may legitimately create service principal. filter as needed.
administrator may legitimately invite external guest users. filter as needed.
administrators may legitimately create azure automation accounts. filter as needed.
administrators may legitimately create azure automation runbooks. filter as needed.
certain users or applications may create multiple service principals in a short period of time for legitimate purposes. filter as needed.
organization approved new members
the creation of a new federated domain is not necessarily malicious, however these events need to be followed closely, as it may indicate federated credential abuse or backdoor via federated identities at a similar or different cloud provider.
the creation of a new federation is not necessarily malicious, however these events need to be followed closely, as it may indicate federated credential abuse or backdoor via federated identities at a different cloud provider.
the creation of a new federation is not necessarily malicious, however this events need to be followed closely, as it may indicate federated credential abuse or backdoor via federated identities at a different cloud provider.
while this search has no known false positives, it is possible that an aws admin has legitimately created a login profile for another user.