LoFP LoFP / t1087.001


administrative activity
administrators may leverage powerview for legitimate purposes, filter as needed.
administrators or power users may use this command for troubleshooting.
administrators or power users may use this powershell commandlet for troubleshooting.
another tool that uses the command line switches of psloglist
commonly run by administrators
false positives should be limited as the analytic is specific to a filename with extension .zip. filter as needed.
false positives should be limited as the arguments used are specific to sharphound. filter as needed or add more command-line arguments as needed.
false positives should be limited as the command-line arguments are specific to soaphound. filter as needed.
false positives should be limited as the destination port is specific to active directory web services protocol, however we recommend utilizing this analytic to hunt for non-standard processes querying the adws port. filter by app or dest_ip to ad servers and remove known proceses querying adws.
false positives should be limited as this is specific to a file attribute not used by anything else. filter as needed.
inventory tool runs
legitimate administration activities
legitimate administrator or user enumerates local users for legitimate reason
legitimate use of psloglist by an administrator
other programs that use these command line option and accepts an 'all' parameter
some false positives may arise in some environment and this may require some tuning. add additional filters or reduce level depending on the level of noise