LoFP LoFP / t1055


administrative scripts
administrators may create vbs or js script that use several tool as part of its execution. filter as needed.
although unlikely, some legitimate third party applications may use a moved copy of dllhost, triggering a false positive.
changes to windows services or a rarely executed child process.
chrome instances using the exact same pipe name \"mojo.xxx\"
false positives may be present and filtering may need to occur based on organization endpoint behavior.
false positives may be present based on sourceimage paths. if removing the paths is important, realize svchost and many native binaries inject into notepad consistently. restrict or tune as needed.
false positives should be limited as winhlp32.exe is typically not used with the latest flavors of windows os. however, filter as needed.
false positives should be limited, filter as needed. add additional shells as needed.
false positives should be limited, however it is possible to filter by processes.process_name and specific processes (ex. wscript.exe). filter as needed. this may need modification based on edr telemetry and how it brings in registry data. for example, removal of (default).
false positives will be limited to applications that require rasautou.exe to load a dll from disk. filter as needed.
legitimate powershell scripts that make use of these functions.
legitimate use of msra.exe
limited false positives may be present in small environments. tuning may be required based on parent process.
limited false positives. filter as needed.
normal browser application may use this technique. please update the filter macros to remove false positives.
printing documents via notepad might cause communication with the printer via port 9100 or similar.
rpcnet.exe / rpcnetp.exe which is a lojack style software. https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-14/materials/us-14-kamlyuk-kamluk-computrace-backdoor-revisited.pdf
shell process that are not included in this search may cause false positive. filter is needed.
some security products or third party applications may utilize createremotethread, filter as needed before enabling as a notable.
the build engine is commonly used by windows developers but use by non-engineers is unusual.
the idea of using named pipes with cobalt strike is to blend in. therefore, some of the named pipes identified and added may cause false positives. filter by process name or pipe name to reduce false positives.
this rule is best put in testing first in order to create a baseline that reflects the data in your environment.
websense endpoint using the pipe name \"dsernamepipe(r|w)\d{1,5}\"