LoFP LoFP / t1053


administrative activity
any legitimate cron file.
azure kubernetes cronjob/job may be done by a system administrator.
bear in mind, administrators debugging scheduled task entries may trigger this analytic, necessitating fine-tuning and filtering to distinguish between legitimate and potentially malicious use of 'schtasks.exe'.
benign scheduled tasks creations or executions that happen often during software installations
creation of legitimate files in sudoers.d folder part of administrator work
false positives may occur with some of the selected binaries if you have tasks using them (which could be very common in your environment). exclude all the specific trusted tasks before using this rule
if known behavior is causing false positives, it can be exempted from the rule.
if the source ip is not localhost then it's super suspicious, better to monitor both local and remote changes to gpo scheduled tasks.
legitimate administration activities
legitimate administrators may run these commands
legitimate modification of crontab
legitimate processes that run at logon. filter according to your environment
legitimate scheduled jobs may be created during installation of new software.
legitimate scheduled tasks may be created during installation of new software.
legitimate scheduled tasks running third party software.
legitimate software naming their tasks as guids
legitimate software or scripts using cron jobs for recurring tasks.
software installation
software installers that run from temporary folders and also install scheduled tasks are expected to generate some false positives
software that uses the appdata folder and scheduled tasks to update the software in the appdata folders
some installers were seen using this method of creation unfortunately. filter them in your environment
third party legitimate application may load this task schedule dll module.
unlikely (at.exe deprecated as of windows 8)
windows administrator tasks or troubleshooting
windows management scripts or software