Living off the False Positive is an autogenerated collection of false positives sourced from some of the most popular rule sets. The information is categorized along with ATT&CK techniques, rule source, and data source. Entries include details from related rules along with their description and detection logic.
The goal is to enable both red and blue teams with this information. Red teams can use this information to blend in, whereas blue teams can use this information to assess weak spots in their detection logic. Interestingly, it can also assist during alert triage and investigation, by looking at common FPs around certain techniques and data sources.
To maximize value, don’t scroll – focus on searching for keywords in the false positives themselves (such as “python”, “powershell”, etc.), the techniques, rule source, or data source, then go from there!
A primary goal is to make this maintenance-free, so this data is automatically refreshed nightly.
For more details, checkout the release blog.
If you are struggling with false positive management during rule creation, consider using the Zen of Security Rules.
A project by @br0k3ns0und - br0k3nlab